Founded in 1973 by Don Mayer, Parachute Shop is backed with over four decades of industry experience. FAA Master Parachute Rigger, FAA Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner, Commercial Multi-Engine Pilot, and Glider Tow Pilot, Don also has over 2,000 skydives. The Parachute Shop is a full time parachute facility providing top-notch parachute packing, repair & services. Don Mayer’s Parachute Shop has established a first class business reputation and first class relationship with our customers that will last a lifetime!
Parachute Shop
Pepperell Airport, 165 Nashua Rd, Pepperell, MA 01463
(978) 433-8550, Cell: (603) 897-5326
email: donmayer@parachuteshop.com