SB#19 DHT Updates

Tuesday, November 1, 1994 | Service Bulletins

TEM: Dual Hawk Tandem Updates

STATUS: Mandatory

IDENTIFICATION: Strong Enterprises Dual Hawk Tandem part no. 1165-4 (TSO label references SE assembly drawing No. 1151).

BACKGROUND: This bulletin mandates five updates that were previously recommendations.

SERVICE BULLITEN: Inspect all Dual Hawk Tandems for compliance and unless previously updated, make the following changes in accordance with instructions available from Strong Enterprises:

  • (1) Replace yellow-cable cutaway handle with breakaway drogue release PN 862020. (Ref. 3/13/94 addendum to DHT Manual and Tandem Jumping #15, Feb. '94.)
  • (2) Change type VIII main risers to type VII main risers. (Ref. Tandem News #14, March '93.)
  • (3) Change reserve free bag from light blue bag with nitrile O-rings or rubber bands to orange bag PN 730324 with bungee stows and plastic chokers. (Ref. Tandem News #7, Jan. '91; NOTE: This bulletin cancels Service Bulletin #10.)
  • (4) Modify Master reserve canopies manufactured prior to 10 Sept. 1990 by adding reinforcing tape across tail. Canopies not previously updated will have stabilizers that stop about 1 1/2" short of the tail, while updated units will have the stabilizers sewn directly to the tail.
  • (5) Install Cypres AAD. (Ref. Tandem News #12, May/June '92 & TN #16, Aug '94.)

QUALIFIED PERSONNEL: Master parachute rigger or foreign equivalent.

COMPLIANCE DATE: Cypres installation by 01 July 1995; other four items by 01 January 1995.

DISTRIBUTION: DHT owners/operators on record, national aero clubs, PIA, USPA, Skydiving, Parachutist,

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