Sunday, January 1, 2012 | News Archives
Starting January 1st, 2012, Strong Enterprises will offer full Manufacturer Tandem Instructor Certification to all world- wide Candidates who complete their course with a T.I.C.C.
All Tandem Instructor Candidates outside of USA & Canada will have the following 2 choices:
Each T.I.C.C.. packet contains a Tandem Instructor Candidates in USA and Canada are required to purchase a T.I.C.C. packet for their course. Packets can be purchased by calling us toll free at 1-800-344-6319 / locally at (407) 859-9317 or email us at
Each T.I.C.C. packet has a Tandem Instructor Qualification form that contains a checklist of all the documents needed according to either choice 1 or 2. Please ensure you read the qualification form carefully and all documents needed to process your certification have been included in your return packet to Strong Enterprises. Missing documentation will delay the process of your rating being issued.
All Tandem Instructors who were only able to receive a Course Completion Certification letter for national jumping will have the option to purchase a T.I.C.C. packet and receive our full Manufacturer rating. Just follow these simple steps:
Please send any questions or comments you may have at