SB #34 Compatible Components

This Service bulletin supersedes prior Service Bulletins 22, 28, 29, 31, 32 & 33

Sunday, June 1, 2014 | Service Bulletins

Subject: Components approved as compatible for use in any Strong Tandem system

Status: Mandatory

Identification: All Strong Tandem Systems - This Service bulletin supersedes prior Service Bulletins 22, 28, 29, 31, 32 & 33

Background: Strong Enterprises has determined that Strong Tandem Systems with components not approved as compatible by Strong Enterprises present a hazard that is not acceptable for tandem jumping.

Service Bulletin: A) Only components approved as compatible by Strong Enterprises may be used on the Strong Tandem System for tandem jumping. B) From this point forth all components approved as compatible for use in a Strong Tandem system will be listed as an attachment to that systems most current owners manual downloaded from our website and as a list of "Components Approved as Compatible” by itself available from our website. You can also get confirmation by contacting Strong Enterprises.

Explanation: Strong Enterprises has taken a proactive step to ensure public safety and the safety of our certified Tandem Instructors by regulating the use of components that Strong Enterprises has not tested or approved as being compatible. These unapproved items must not be used in any Strong Tandem systems. Strong Tandem Systems that are not in compliance are considered to be un-airworthy. Any certified Strong Enterprises Tandem Instructor whom knowingly enters an aircraft with the intention of making a Tandem jump using a Strong Tandem System containing non-approved components automatically voids his/her Strong Enterprises Tandem Instructor Certification.

Effective Date:  June 1st, 2014

Authority:  Strong Enterprises, 11236 Satellite Blvd. Orlando, FL 32837, U.S.A.

Distribution:, current Strong Tandem system owners manual, TICC syllabus, all dealers, all recert centers, all Tandem Examiners, and general Tandem Instructor email list.

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